newsletters | December 15, 2022

EJP Letter’s 04

It's a busy end of the year. Here is a new edition of the EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS (EJP) newsletter from Japan.(Photos are posted with permission from Shinjuku Suehirotei)


Each edition of EJP Newsletter will include a special column in which the motifs depicted by PICTOGRAMS are explored in a little more depth to give you further insight into the multifaceted charms of Japan. The 3rd round features engei—traditional entertainment arts, such as rakugo and manzai, that are long rooted in the common culture of Japan. (Photos are posted with permission from Shinjuku Suehirotei)

PICTOGRAMS for manzai, rakugo, and other traditional entertainments

Concurrently with the release of this newsletter, we have created a new set of unique PICTOGRAMS representing an array of Japanese traditional entertainments, from manzai and konto that are seen regularly on TV to the three major traditional storytelling arts of rakugo, kodan, and rokyoku to the world-recognized unique improvisational art of kamikiri papercutting. With winter vacation coming up, we highly recommend you visit an engei hall and enjoy these colorful shows to experience the depth and diversity of Japanese culture with your own eyes and ears.  

Awa Odori Dance

Awa Odori Dance has joined the lineup of animated PICTOGRAMS

EJP has been creating animated PICTOGRAMS for unique Japanese customs and manners, such as sanpai (visiting a shrine or temple), bowing, and how to use a public bath, that are hard to explain with words alone in order to help users understand them more intuitively. We have just released Awa Odori Dance, one of the most popular summer events in Japan. Please watch closely the unique hand gestures seen in the dance.

Please share your experience using EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS

Please share your experience using EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS

EJP is inviting its users to share their experience in using and applying the pictograms they have downloaded for their respective purposes. We hope more people will be inspired to utilize the pictograms, thereby allowing them to make a difference in society in their own unique ways. Your shared experiences will be uploaded to our Production Team’s database and utilized by the team as a valuable reference for future development. They will also be shared with the general public via our official website, social media, online magazine, etc. We are hoping to create a community of EJP users where individuals can share different ideas, inspire one another, and spread their enthusiasm to other potential users. Your cooperation will be vital and indispensable for realizing our grand vision to “Support tourism in Japan from a visual design perspective.” We invite and welcome your contribution and input. Please contact us at any time.

Find us on Instagram!

Find us on Instagram!

You can now find the latest PICTOGRAMS, application examples, etc. on Instagram. Please follow us!

Thank you for reading this message.
We hope you continue to enjoy being a part of the EJP community in the months and years to come.

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