case studies | February 22, 2022

Please share your experience using EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS

EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS (EJP) is inviting its users to share their experience in using and applying the pictograms they have downloaded for their respective purposes. We hope more people will be inspired to utilize the pictograms, thereby allowing them to make a difference in society in their own unique ways.
Your shared experiences will be uploaded to our Production Team’s database and utilized by the team as a valuable reference for future development. They will also be shared with the general public via our official website, social media, online magazine, etc. We are hoping to create a community of EJP users where individuals can share different ideas, inspire one another, and spread their enthusiasm to other potential users.
Your cooperation will be vital and indispensable for realizing our grand vision to “Support tourism in Japan from a visual design perspective.” We invite and welcome your contribution and input. Please contact us at any time.

How to share your experience:

[Image format and size]

  • Please send your image data in JPEG format at as high resolution as possible.

[Copyrights, etc.]

  • While EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS are distributed free of charge, their copyrights and all other intellectual property rights are reserved by Nippon Design Center.
  • By submitting your data, you agree in advance to our use and reproduction of the data for our own purposes without restriction to any particular region, time period, medium, or application, whether the submitted data are a secondary work derived from our original work (copyrighted work) or your original work independent of our work, or even if some other type of rights are reserved with respect to the submitted data.
  • If you would like us to give a copyright credit, please provide us with the specific name, etc. Please note, however, that how such credit is displayed will be determined at our own discretion according to the type of media, editing/design requirements, and other conditions.

[Other important reminders]

  • When sharing your experience with us, you must guarantee that the image data, etc. you are providing us do not infringe upon any copyrights, portrait rights, or any other rights of a third party. Please be extra careful not to send us any images or other copyrighted materials that are not authorized for use.
  • If the image data, etc. you are providing us are copyrighted or otherwise owned by a third party, please obtain authorization from the third party for the use of the data for the EJP Project prior to submitting the data. If a copyright credit needs to be given, please provide us with the specific name, etc. provided. However, you agree in advance that how such credit is displayed will be determined at our own discretion according to the type of media, editing/design requirements, and other conditions.
  • You agree in advance that we may crop your images when posting them on our website, etc.
  • You agree in advance that we may choose not to publish the images submitted by you.
  • We agree not to use the data submitted by you for any purposes other than uploading them on our database and publishing them via our website, etc.


[Contact us]

Please share your experience by sending an email containing the following information to

  • Your name
  • Name of your organization
  • Contact information(e-mail address, phone number)
  • Name of the project in which pictograms are used

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