newsletters | May 02, 2022

EJP Letter’s 02

It’s spring—the beginning of a new journey! In this edition of EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS (EJP) newsletter, we will introduce you to a newly created set of PICTOGRAMS and an example of them in actual use.

A New Set of Landmark PICTOGRAMS Covering Eastern Japan

A New Set of Landmark PICTOGRAMS Covering Eastern Japan

EJP has a lineup of landmark PICTOGRAMS, such as Mt. Fuji, Tokyo Tower, and Himeji Castle. In this round, we have created landmark PICTOGRAMS that cover each of the prefectures in Eastern Japan (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, and Chubu regions), some of which may be related to your hometown or where you live now. Western Japan versions are also on the way. So, please stay tuned!



Each edition of EJP Newsletter will include a special column in which the motifs depicted by PICTOGRAMS are explored in a little more depth to give you further insight into the multifaceted charms of Japan. The second edition features Shinkansen (bullet train), a culmination of Japanese technology and aesthetics.

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[Application Example] Watarase-Yusuichi (wetland)

[Application Example] Watarase-Yusuichi (wetland)

The number of sites using EJP is gradually expanding. Introduced in this edition is Watarase-Yusuichi, Japan’s largest wetland. Recognized by Ramsar, this wetland is a fertile habitat for rare flora and fauna and spans Tochigi and other Northern Kanto prefectures. The site has adopted some PICTOGRAMS, such as TOILET, PARKING, and RENT-A-CYCLE (in an arranged form), in its information maps produced by Nippon Design Center Inc. Irobe Design Institute.

Find us on Instagram!

Find us on Instagram!

You can now find the latest PICTOGRAMS, application examples, etc. on Instagram. Please follow us!

Original LINE stamps on sale!

We have released LINE stamps that can be used for professional purposes, as well as for everyday interpersonal communication. They are not free but are available for a small fee. We hope these stamps will benefit you and your contacts.

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